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陈晓萍,女,福建莆田人,新加坡国立大学化学博士;金沙威尼斯欢乐娱人城教授;福建省C类高层次人才(海外引进)。主要从事电化学传感器和分子电子学的功能性器件研究,目前已在包括Nature NanotechnologyNature CommunicationsThe Journal of Physical Chemistry LettersACS Applied Materials & InterfacesAdvanced Electronic Materials等期刊上以第一作者发表7篇论文。主持闽南师范大学校长基金1项。




2014.1-2018.8,新加坡国立大学, 化学系理学博士导师: Prof. Christian A. Nijhuis

论文题目: Effects of Molecular Polarizability on Charge Transport and Dielectric Response of Self-Assembled Monolayer Based Junctions

2007.9-2010.7,福州大学,药物分析学,药学硕士导师: 陈国南教授

论文题目: Development of Some Electrochemiluminescent Sensors and Study on Their Applications

2003.9-2007.7,福州大学,制药工程,工学学士,导师: 唐凤翔教授

论文题目: Synthesis of Side Chain of Fluvestrant


2022.1-now, 闽南师范大金沙威尼斯欢乐娱人城,教授 


2020.12-2021.4,新加坡国立大学 (under Assoc. Prof. Utkur Mirsaidov),生命科学系(DBS),研究员

2018.12-2020.12,新加坡国立大学 (under Prof. Christian. Nijhuis),高级二维材料研究中心(CA2DM),研究员;

2018.8-2018.12,新加坡国立大学 (under Prof. Christian. Nijhuis),化学系,研究助理(提前入职),。











新加坡国立大学奖学金, 2014-2018

中国国家自费留学生奖学金, 2018

最佳科研工作奖, 化学系, 新加坡国立大学, 2017

最佳墙报奖 (物理和材料化学), 博士论坛, 化学系, 新加坡国立大学, 2017

福州大学优秀硕士学位论文, 2011


1. Chen, X.; Roemer, M.; Yuan, L.; Du, W.; Thompson, D.; Barco, E.; Nijhuis, C. A.  Molecular Diodes with Rectification Ratios Exceeding 105 Driven by Electrostatic Interactions. Nature Nanotechnology 2017, 12, 797-803. (IF=39.8, JCR 1)

2. Chen, X.; Kretz, B.; Zhang. Z.; Chi, X.; Yu, X.; Egger, D. A.; Nijhuis, C. A. Tunneling Decay Coefficient Tuning in Molecular Junctions via Shift of Energy Level Alignment by Polarizable Atoms. Nature Communications 2021, 12, 3432 (IF=14.9, JCR 1)

3. Chen, X.; Annadata, H. A.; Kretz, B.; Zharnikov, M.; Chi, X.; Yu, X.; Egger, D. A.; Nijhuis, C. A. Interplay of Collective Electrostatic Effects and Level Alignment Dictates the Tunneling Rates across Halogenated Aromatic Monolayer Junctions. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2019, 4142-4147. (IF=7.3, JCR 1)

4. Chen, X.; Hu, H.; Trasobares, J.; Nijhuis, C. A. The Rectification Ratio and Tunneling Decay Coefficient of EGaIn Junctions Depend on the Contact Area and Rheological Behavior of GaOx/EGaIn. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2019, 11, 21018-21029. (IF=8.5, JCR 1)

5. Chen, X.; Volkova. I.; Kretz, B.; Zhang. Z.; Egger, D. A.; Nijhuis, C. A. Large Increase in Dielectric Constant and Partial Loss of Coherence Increases Tunneling Rates across Molecular Wires. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2020, 12, 45111-45121 (IF=8.5, JCR 1)

6. Chen, X.; Nijhuis, C. A. Review: The Unusual Dielectric Response of Large Area Molecular Tunnel Junctions Probed with Impedance Spectroscopy. Advanced Electronic Materials, 2022, 8, 2100495 (IF=7.3, JCR 1)

7. Chen, X., Ye, H.; Wang, W.; Qiu, B.; Lin, Z.; Chen. G. Electrochemiluminescence biosensor for glucose based on Graphene/Nafion/GOD film modified glass carbon electrode. Electroanalysis. 22(2010) 2347-2352. (IF=2.5)

8. Chen, X., Lin, Z.; Chen. G. Heated microelectrode chip (HMEC) and its application for CAF detection. The 10th annual symposium of national analytical chemistry conference. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry. Vol.37. Supplement. (2009) F135. (IF=0.9)

9. Chen, X., Jiang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Lin, Z.; Chen. G. Comparisons of the influence of solution heating and electrode heating on ECL of MCLA. Proceedings of the 10th national electroanalytical chemistry conference. (2008) P625.

10. Chen, Y. Chen, X., Lin, Z.; Dai, H.; Qiu, B.; Sun, J.; Zhang, L.; Chen, G. An electrically heated ionic-liquid/multi-wall carbon nanotube composite electrode and its application to electrochemiluminescent detection of ascorbic acid. Electrochem. Commun. 11(2009) 1142-1145. IF=4.8

11. Lin, Z.; Chen, X., Chen, H.; Chen, G. Electrochemiluminescent behavior of N6-isopentenyl-adenine/Ru(bpy)32+ system on an electrically heated ionic liquid/carbon paste electrode. Electrochem. Commun. 11, (2009), 2056-2059. (IF=4.8)

12. Ye, R.; Chen, X., Qiu, B.; Lin, Z. Electrochemiluminescent behavior of Ru(bpy)32+/carbofran system on an electrically heated microelectrode chip. Chin. J. Chem. 29, (2011), 2148-2152. (IF=1.9)

13. Cai, Q.; Chen, X., Qiu, B.; Lin, Z. Electrochemiluminescent detection method for glyphosate in soybean on carbon fiber-ionic liquid paste electrode. Chin. J. Chem. 29, (2011), 581-586. (IF=1.9)

14. Liu, Y.; Huang, L.; Zhu, X. Chen, X., Lin, Z.; Chen. G. Nano-Au/MWNT modified ECL electrode for analysis of glucose. Proceedings of the 10th national electroanalytical chemistry conference proceedings. (2008) P369.
